Troy Keon (author)

Interviews | Nov 15th, 2009

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Troy Keon just released his book on bathroom graffiti & artwork called “A Regular Robert Frost: Bathroom Prose and Graffiti,” available on Two Tone Publishing. It’s an interesting book that’s really good to read on the crapper. wanted to learn more about this bathroom dweller, so we sent him a few questions to answer. Most likely he answered these in the bathroom…

How much better than The Bible is your book and why?
It’s not, but my book does boast color pictures.

Out of all the cities you shitted in, which city has the worst bathrooms?
Berkeley, CA The public bathrooms on Telegraph took pride in their sullied johns.

What has been the best bathroom graffiti artwork you’ve seen and where?
The best artwork has come from a hideout dive in the Mission District of SF. The marker sketches of the lady on the book’s cover ( and page 8 ) came from there. Their walls have since been painted over with a glossy black, so fortunately I captured this art before it said bye bye.

While doing “your research,” did you come across any glory holes?
A handful, if you will. But none too glorious.

For a good time, who should I call?
Dunno. None of the numbers we tried worked.

Have you had a poop so large, it had a vein?
Haha, I’ve never really looked. A vein? Does shit like that really happen? I’ll say that I hope not.

Which bathroom smells the worst: men’s or women’s?

Besides your own book, what’s your favorite reading material to read while on the bowl?
A Bible

During your adventures, did you ever come across something so gross you didn’t want to photograph it?
No. Well, maybe save for the bathroom shot on page 47. There were some issues with that sink and its flush-ability.

Have you ever thought of just doing a Photo Blog instead of spending the money to release a book?
I like the idea of a Photo Blog, but I knew when I started this book project, that I wanted it in print. Having a motley collection like this in paper form, wrapped in a hardcover was important to me.

What can we expect next from Troy Keon?
I am applying for an MBA right now, but I have another idea for a non-fiction that would focus on the homeless population in my current hometown of Sacramento, CA. I want to call it “They Have Names.”

Read our review of Troy’s book here.


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