Young Dubliners
Interviews | Apr 20th, 2009
Young Dubliners are one of the hardest working Irish rock bands in the world. Their new album “Saints and Sinners” is getting rave reviews, and their single “Rosie” is being heard throughout the country on the radio. Sounds like a great year for the band so far! had a chance to send some questions to Keith and Brendan in the band. Here’s what they had to say:
1. Your new album “Saint and Sinners” was released in February. How did the recording process go? Are you pleased with the results?
Brendan: Yes we’re very pleased with the results thanks to our fearless producers Tim Boland and Ken Suiter…this was our third collaboration with these two boys and once again the proof is in the pudding…always good fun to work with these lads.
Keith: Always happy when it comes out as good as this. I always feel very buried when we are in the middle of it so it’s hard to know how it is going. Lot of lyrics to write etc. I was very relieved to see what we had at final mixes.
2. “Rosie” has been getting a lot of airplay and recognition since the new album has been released. Are you surprised that “Saints and Sinners” is getting noticed more than your previous albums?
Brendan: I’m actually not that surprised after all the work both in songwriting and production that we put into it, I thought it would stand to have a good chance out there.
Keith: I’m with Bren, good song. But it’s always a surprise when things go as planned with radio.
3. On St Patrick’s Day, you were very busy in which you played a few gigs and performed on Jimmy Kimmel Live. How do you think the day went and will you be popping up on any more late night talk shows in the future?
Brendan: St Paddy’s day went as well as we could ask for. Considering that our day started at around 5 am and finished up the next day at 1 am there were only a few minor glitches throughout the day. To name a few…I broke a string 20 seconds before we were supposed to play live on Kimmel, that was a cluster fuck indeed, they had to hold the taping till I fixed it, talk about pressure!!! The only other glitch was that after Kimmel show we went to Van Nuys airport to pick up our aircraft….only when we got there we couldn’t find the bloody hangar where it was waiting…took a half hour to find in a tiny airport, we took off 5 minutes before the airport closed!!! Way too close for comfort. As regards to late nite shows? Well hopefully we’ll be doin’ some..Know any? We’re available, call us.
4. The Dubs recently had a rough 2008: the van and gear were stolen; snowstorms and bad storms forced a few cancellations. What are you looking forward to this year the most?
Brendan: Eh…not to having our van and gear stolen? Can’t get any worse than that now can it? No, on a more serious note I look forward to breaking new ground and playing to new audiences around the world.
5. Keith, a few years ago you underwent vocal cord rehab, how has this affected your singing voice and do you have to change your regiment/daily routines in order to keep singing?
Keith: A little aging and recovery plays into it I think. I have been singing for so many years that my voice has naturally changed. I have to be a lot more careful with it now than before but I still manage to have fun!!!
6. Eric Rigler has been touring with the band regularly with the band for years now. Famous to the movie world, as the most recorded piper, How much do you write and record for Eric, or does Eric bring his own interpretations to the songs?
Brendan: Generally we don’t write with anyone in mind, it’s more of a case of what instrument suits that particular song or melody, so with that said, yes we generally let Eric bring his own interpretations to the songs.
Keith: He is a great professional when it comes to recording and its a joy just to let him at it. We usually decide what songs we think need his talents and then let him work it out. But he’s also very open to suggestions which makes the whole thing a lot easier.
7. Every once and awhile, The Young Dubliners invites their fans to travel Ireland with them. Are there plans for a new trip and if so, what can one expect to see and do on the trip? Could you give our readers more details on how to sign up for this?
Keith: It’s in Nov 09 this time and there is loads of info on our website. Basically its a major fun filled jaunt through the Irish countryside with gigs thrown in for good measure. Having a capacity to hold your booze helps also. You will come back knowing a lot more about Ireland then you ever imagined and quite a hang over.
8. I’d imagine the band has a lot of off time in-between shows. What do you guys do to cure your boredom?
Brendan: If you’re talking about when we’re finished a sound check? If so then we have to run back to the hotel to get in a shower/ shave/ whatever? After that we have to eat dinner or some of us like to nap/ go for a walk. Before you know it you’re on stage….If you’re talking about traveling from show to show well then we have a host of things to keep us busy…like reading, sleeping, watching movies, whining , shouting, fighting, laughing and pretty much any other human emotions you care to think about?
Keith: Ditto.
9. Does the band have any side jobs while not touring? How is this economy affecting traveling bands like The Young Dubliners?
Brendan: Not really, Keith has a t-shirt biz on the side and Bob teaches guitar now and again. I do some photography and voice over work from time to time, thankfully we’re busy enough that we don’t need to work other jobs.
Keith: I also manage the band so I am pretty busy all the time. No rest for the wicked.
10. Name a few cities you dread playing in? Are there any cities or countries you haven’t played yet that you would like to play in?
Brendan: Hmmmm don’t really dread playing any cities, as long as there’s a good crowd present. I guess I could say NY because of lack of parking and ungodly hotel prices that are way out of our league…..but I still love the city!!! Would love to play in Australia/ New Zealand/ Japan/ China……think they would love us there….
Keith: No such thing…….(politically correct answer).
11. Since is a movie website as well, what was the last movie that you saw? What are some things the band watches on the tour bus?
Brendan: The last movie I saw on the bus was ‘flash of genius;’ about the guy who invented the interval windshield wiper and got screwed over by the Ford motor Co. We have a very eclectic mix of movies that we watch and the list is endless and way too long…..but a few who would get a worthwhile mention would be…’Spinal Tap’ ‘Triumph the Insult Dog’ ‘Withnail and I’ any’ South Park,’ any ‘Family Guy’ and any ‘Flight of the Conchords.’
Keith: Just watched ‘Intermission’ (again) Irish movie. Very funny. All of the above also. The Big Lebowski is an all time classic for us late at night “A Caucasian anyone?”?
12. If you had the ability to resurrect the dead and create the ultimate band, who would be in your band?
Brendan: That’s easy, Bonham on drums, Hendrix on guit, Jaco on Bass and Janis on Vocals…. maybe I could play lead triangle or lead cowbell???
Keith: Not sure but I would love to see Phil Lynott play again. Most of my idols are still alive thank God.
13. Final comments?
Brendan: None, this is the second time I typed out this interview….no more…thx!!!
Keith: Watch for us on the road because we are ALWAYS out there!!!!!
Thanks to Keith and Brendan for taking time out of their busy schedules to answer our questions. For everything Young Dubliners, please visit the band’s official website here or check out their MySpace here. Be sure to see the band on tour this Spring and Summer!