Trailer: Mafia II (game trailer)
Media | Aug 17th, 2010

Mafia II is coming out next week, August 24th to be exact! If you’re a gamer, you probably already know when it’s coming out but if you haven’t seen the trailer yet, be sure to watch it after the break. The Facebook page was launched recently, you can check out photos, videos and all that fun stuff here. The Mafia Hit FB app can be found here if that’s your thing too.
If you don’t know about the game, here’s a little bit about it: The world of Mafia II is dark, unforgiving, and utterly transporting. It is an immersion in a cinematic Hollywood-style experience that recreates the look and feel of 1940s and 50s with explosive gunplay. The narrative centers around Vito, an Italian-American trying to beat the life of a poor immigrant by becoming a “made” man. He plummets headlong into the organized crime world as he and his friend, Joe, try to make it on the streets. They quickly learn – it ain’t easy being a wise guy. Mafia II launches in North America on August 24, and internationally on August 27, 2010 and will be available on Xbox 360® , PlayStation®3 and Windows PC.
Watch the trailer: