Sony Launching Playstation Classic on December 8th
Game News | Sep 19th, 2018
The latest in Classic console systems fad is Sony and Playstion Classic. The gaming system will be out December 8th and I’m sure it will be a pain in the ass to get, unless you wait on line for hours or buy it on ebay for triple the price.
It will cost about 100 bucks if you can snag one so good luck with that. Honestly, only 20 games for this seems low to me. I feel like that’s not enough for a Playstation. I had a Playstation but my thing I liked better was Playstation 2, which I still own. Don’t really remember too many games on the original Playstation. Some of the games announced so far include: Final Fantasy VII, Tekken 3, Ridge Racer Type 4, Jumping Flash and Wild Arms. I didn’t play those so I will not be rushing out to get this. Perhaps someone else will.
I believe two usb or hdmi controllers will be included in the set. Nothing analog about this, just like the NES and Super NES Classic.
Watch the trailer for it below:
Find out more about the system here.