RIP: Patrick Swayze
Movie News | Sep 14th, 2009
Ugh, I knew this was coming. Patrick Swayze lost his battle with pancreatic cancer today. Patrick most recent TV series The Beast was the last thing he starred in, and the show only lasted 1 season. From reports, he said the 12 hour work days were a bit too much for him and made him tired. Looking back on his career, I ended up liking a lot of Patrick Swayze movies: Youngblood, Red Dawn, Dirty Dancing (well it was ok haha), Ghost, Road House and Point Break. Youngblood is probably my favorite out of that batch because I love hockey movies.
Even when he guest starred on SNL back in the 90s, it’s still one of my favorite SNL episodes when he was on Hans and Franz, or had a dance off with Chris Farley for a Chippendale job. Every time Ghost was on TV, I would end up watching because of Swayze’s performance. Don’t lie, you watched his movies too. I never saw The Beast but I might want to Netflix it now just to see the last performances from him. I’m sure the DVDs will be flying off the shelves now.
In honor of The Swayze, here’s some videos:
Swayze and Chris Farley dance off:
Hans and Franz with Patrick Swayze:
Red Dawn trailer:
(I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life music video:
She’s Like The Wind video:
Rest in Peace Patrick Swayze, maybe I’ll grow out my mullet in your honor haha. Read the official news story at CNN.