Mixtapes touring with Masked Intruder this May
Music News | Feb 28th, 2013

Mixtapes have announced plans to hit the road with Masked Intruder for the “Let’s Talk Industry Tour.” Kicking of May 12th in Columbus, the bands will make their way around the Eastern half of the U.S. ending the tour at Bled Fest in Howell, MI on May 25th. They will be playing the Skate and Surf festival in Freehold, NJ and then playing the Loft in Poughkeepsie as well.
Known for their tongue-in-cheek sense of humor and antics, Rockwell and crew decided to name their tour “Let’s Talk Industry” as an inside joke between friends.
“Everything in the punk scene these days seems all business, and bands would rather have a good t shirt design than a good song,” Rockwell adds. “They would rather ask us about our label or agent than about shows or music. I think that we are two bands that are super excited to just get out and play awesome shows and have fun and hang out with people. This tour is going to be a blast, so come hang out and eat food with all of us.”
Mixtapes continue touring in support of their debut full-length album, Even On The Worst Nights, although the band is already gearing up to hit the studio in March to record their follow-up.
Stay dialed to https://www.facebook.com/MixtapesOhio for news and updates about the upcoming tour and Mixtapes’ forthcoming sophomore full-length album.
Mixtapes’ “Let’s Talk Industry Tour” Dates:
May 12 – Columbus, OH – Kobo Live Music (w/Masked Intruder)
May 13 – Altoona, PA – Archway Center (w/Masked Intruder)
May 14 – Danbury, CT – Heirloom Arts Center (w/Masked Intruder)
May 15 – Ottawa, ON – Pressed Cafe (w/Masked Intruder)
May 16 – Toronto, ON – Rancho Relaxo (w/Masked Intruder)
May 17 – Montreal, QC – Pouzza Fest (w/Masked Intruder)
May 18 – Freehold, NJ – Skate and Surf
May 20 – Poughkeepsie, NY – The Loft (w/Masked Intruder)
May 21 – Rochester, NY – Bug Jar (w/Masked Intruder)
May 22 – Baltimore, MD – Charm City Art Space (w/Masked Intruder)
May 23 – Christiansburg, VA – Monroe Specialty Coffee (w/Masked Intruder)
May 24 – Cleveland, OH – Mahals Bowling Alley (w/Masked Intruder)
May 25 – Howell, MI – Bled Fest (http://www.bledfest.com/)