Offspring’s Dexter Holland dips into salsa

Music News | Jan 20th, 2007

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The leader of the Orange County pop-punk outfit’s Gringo Bandito Hot Sauce earns praise.

In 1998, Orange County pop-punk outfit the Offspring’s ode to Caucasian ghetto-fabulousness, “Pretty Fly (for a White Guy),” lighted up alternative-rock radio, inspiring legions of would be K-Feds to follow their bliss. Now, the group’s lead singer, Dexter Holland, is offering a different kind of cultural rapprochement: Gringo Bandito Hot Sauce.

Touted by no less than OC Weekly’s “Ask a Mexican” columnist Gustavo Arellano as “one of the best gabacho-made hot sauces invented,” Gringo Bandito contains a fiery blend of hot peppers and “mojo spices”; its bottle is festooned with the image of a blond, spiky-haired Holland in a sombrero.

Helpfully, the sauce’s website, , provides Gringo Bandito recipes that were clearly put together with its target demographic in mind: Ghetto Pizza (white bread with American cheese and spaghetti sauce doused with the hot sauce), Ramen Magnifico (an Asian-Latino fusion composed of Top Ramen and ground beef) and Rick’s Prison “Spread” (ingredients include Cheetos, canned tuna and “other crap,” which gets “cooked” in a plastic garbage bag). Pretty fly indeed.