Punk Rock Bowling Tournament update
Music News | Jan 26th, 2007

Fat Wreck: Yes, the www.byorecords.com/bowling/Punk Rock Bowling Tournament is over, and once again it hurts all over. Once again, Epitaph won, BYO came in second and the Fat Team came in a very close 32nd. It ‘ s not a hurt from pride, cuz there really isn ‘ t any sense of pride at this thing. It ‘ s more a body hurt. Sore muscles, sore throat, slow brain, and very low levels of serotonin. Thats ok though, being sore is part of the fun. Coming in 32nd out of the 32 final teams is ok with me. I would like to thank the Sterns one more time for putting on such a sweet ass event. Thanks for the buck fifty beers; thanks for the free tequila shots; thanks for being in the casino earlier and later than I ever was. Because of the Stern brothers, I am still slightly confused, even 3 days after coming home from Vegas. Thanks guys, see ya next year, Fatty