Bubba Ho-tep “Bubba Ho-tep”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005

Record Label: La-La Land Records
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I’ve been listening to this score a lot recently because I absolutely love the theme to it. It sort of sounds like a Pennywise or Consumed riff. Listen to Pennywise’s “Yesterday” and then go listen to theme and you’ll know what I’m talking about. The score is mostly done with guitars with subtle choir singing over the top of it and it just works so well. The score also has a twangy sound to it but that goes along with movie. This is a very different score from Brian Tyler’s other recent works. This one sounds like it was done either with computers and a guitar or just a band or something. If you liked the movie, and thought the theme was great, get the whole Cd because Elvis would have wanted it that way.
Bottom Line: Fun, guitar playing score.
Notable Tracks: “The King” “The King’s Highway” “The Mask of Kemosabe” “Bubba Ho-Tep End Title Themes”
Overall Rating: