Fire and Reason “S/T EP”
Album Reviews | Nov 30th, 2005

Record Label: Reconstrukt Records
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You know how on MySpace, everyone is inundated with billions of Friend Requests from all those crappy bands and include such impersonal messages as: “Hey there, we see you’re a fan of insert name of artist they sound nothing like , why don’t you check us out and add us?” Seeing all these endless streams of unremarkable artists (ranging from the mediocre to the downright unlistenable) is enough to make you want to crank up some Smiths records to prevent your ears from bleeding.
Having said all that, there is at least one band on MySpace that you can safely approve their friend request without damaging your speakers: they are called The Fire and Reason, a female-fronted NYC rock band with heavy electro and industrial influences. Infectiously danceable and sexy, it’s probably only a matter of time until they break out as “the next big thing” (or at the very least, be touted as the “next big thing” by NME for a week, before they make the same claim about dozens of other bands).
Their debut five-song EP, The Fire and Reason EP, serves as a nice cross section of what they’re capable of delivering. Whether its dancefloor mashups (“Teeth”), heart-wrenching ballads (“Go”), rock en espanol (“Sin Drogas”) or just plain rocking out (“Faux Party”), The Fire and Reason have got the potential to achieve big things.
Bottom Line: A fun, sexy dance-romp that sadly ends too quickly (afterall, it’s only a 17-minute EP)
Notable Tracks: Teeth, Mathcat
Overall Rating: