Future of Forestry – “Travel III EP”
Album Reviews | Sep 19th, 2011

Record Label: Credential Recordings
Genre: Indie
Band Link: www.futureofforestry.com
Buy on Amazon.com
This is… quite excellent! This unabashed Christian band has a fully-realized, slightly weird alternative vibe that channels Radiohead, Beck, and Cake with a mature peppiness a la U2 and the Bunnymen, and even some slow-burn-to-crescendo moments a la Arcade Fire (“Your Day’s Not Over”).
Future of Forestry have a fantastically lush, multi-layered hipster sound and sprechgesang (speak-sing) vocals that fill my heart with love and appreciation – not for Jesus, but for good indie/alternative music.
Yes, the lyrics are INCREDIBLY Christian – but they pull it off so well that the lyrics could be about anything if you’re not paying attention. For instance, the Postal Service-like production on “Protection” make the lyrics “I want to reach you… I want to reach you…” sound aesthetically great regardless if they’re talking about Jesus or a girlfriend or Girlfriend Jesus 3000 – a soul-saving sexbot that I created in my own mind that provides all the intimate religio-sultry love that Christian indie rock bands seem to crave.
To be honest, I don’t care what they’re singing about. Reggae bands sing about Jah, klezmer bands sing about Yahweh, Rush sing about cerebral individualism… at the end of the day, good music is good music. This indie band is GOOD. Amen for that.
Bottom Line: 6 solid, excellent Christian indie tracks. Too bad Jesus was more into Southern classic rock like the Allman Brothers.
Notable Tracks: Working to be Loved, Bold and Underlined , Your Day’s Not Over
Overall Rating: