Paper The Operator – “Goodbye God”
Album Reviews | Sep 8th, 2010

Record Label: Viper Bite Records
Genre: Indie
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My previous impression of this band is that they’re run-of-the-mill, boring emo pop, and perhaps they are. But I must point out that a couple of tunes on this one are really cool: “Days of Thunder” – a bizarre jangly pop tune, and “The Pendulum” – an equally bizarre electro-pop tune. Both are about 90 seconds long, and have a simple but constant driving rhythm and an infectious poppiness. “Laundrolux” is also good – catchy, if nerdy in a Weezer sort of way.
Just about the rest of the album is horribly dull, but these little flashes of awesomeness deserve a shout out and a place on my iPod.
Bottom Line: Like broken clocks, even emo bands can be right twice a day.
Notable Tracks: See review.
Overall Rating: