Road Trip
Blu-Ray Reviews | May 14th, 2012

Starring: Breckin Meyer, Seann William Scott, Amy Smart, Paulo Costanzo, DJ Qualls, Tom Green
Written By: Todd Phillips, Scot Armstrong
Directed By: Todd Phillips
Studio: Paramount
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Everybody loves a good road trip movie. Road Trip is a funny comedy and it’s available on Blu-Ray for the first time! You just have to get it at Best Buy if you want it. This is Todd Phillips’ first non-documentary movie that put him on the map and it still holds up as being very funny after 12 years.
If you haven’t seen the movie, it’s about Josh (Breckin Meyer) having a long distance relationship with his high school sweetheart. He makes daily videos for her to watch but fears she might be cheating on him. While at a party, he sleeps with another girl Beth (Amy Smart) and she films it with his camera. That always turns out well right? Accidentally, he sent out the tape (remember that thing called tape?) to his girlfriend who’s going to school in Austin, Texas. Josh decides to drive down with his friends Rubin (Paulo Costanzo), E.L. (Seann William Scott) but they need a car. So the guys ask Kyle (DJ Qualls) to come so they can use his car. They go hunt down this sex tape before Josh’s girlfriend can see it and cause trouble along the way.
Road Trip was hilarious and it’s still funny 12 years later. I wouldn’t say it’s the Animal House of college movies but it’s a decent comedy with lots of laughs. The cast is good, even though Seann William Scott is practically playing Stifler again. Tom Green is a bit over the top but it’s Tom Green after all. You could tell it was one of his earlier things he acted in besides his classic TV show. The rest of the guys do a good job. I thought Todd Phillips did an awesome job with the movie and made a name for himself in the feature film category. I still think Old School is his best movie to date and I still think The Hangover is very overrated.
What I like about Road Trip is all the different places they go throughout their trip and the situations that happen there. It serves as a nice variety of things that happened to them like trying to jump a river, stealing a bus from blind people, conning their way into a black frat house, going to the sperm bank to get money, and so on. I was trying to think if it would take a few days to get to Austin from Ithaca but according to Google Maps it would only take a day. That is, if you don’t try jumping a broken bridge and just sticked with the highway. For some reason I was thinking it would take longer to get there besides three days.
The Blu-Ray for Road Trip looked all right. It’s remastered to meet the 1080p standard but I noticed some pixelation throughout the movie. It’s obviously better watching the Blu-Ray than DVD though. I know with my TV, watching DVDs just looks like crap now so I can’t go back to DVDs if I can help it. The extras on the Blu-Ray are identical to the previous edition DVDs. I’m a little disappointed that there isn’t anything new on this. So basically it comes down, how much do you like the movie to buy the Blu-Ray?
Rated/Unrated versions of the Feature
Ever Been on a Road Trip? Featurette
Deleted Scenes
Eels Music Video – Mr. E’s Beautiful Blues
English DTS-HD Master Audio
French 5.1 Dolby Digital
Spanish 5.1 Dolby Digital
Portuguese 5.1 Dolby Digital
Bottom Line: Road Trip still holds up as being a funny college road trip movie after 12 years.
Running Time: 93 mins
Rating: R
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: