They Might Be Giants – Here Come The ABCs
DVD Reviews | Mar 31st, 2005

Starring They Might Be Giants
Written By:
Directed By:
Studio: Disney Sound/ Universal Music Video
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I am so angry that I already know my ABC’s. Damn you, Sesame Street!! DAMN YOU!!!
This DVD is just that much fun and effective. They Might Be Giants were born to play children’s music with their hyper, poppy, adorably quirky sound, and they’re such good songwriters that they can take one of the oldest things in the world the written alphabet and make it fun and fresh.
There are about 30 songs here about various letters and the alphabet in whole, and just about all of them will put a smile on your face. The songs are presented with clever and cute animations and cartoons, though some of them are a bit freaky, like the morbid-looking Pictures of Pandas Painting, bizarre puppets from The Vowel Family, and the weird claymation-ish D & W. (Though I do like that D is pissed off at W. W is so full of himself.) There’s also some live-action videos, including the Johns walking around the Lower East Side with Q’s and U’s for heads.
I had gotten the CD before the DVD, and while some songs are enjoyable for all ages (Alphabet of Nations, Go for G!, and Can You Find It?), it’s not something you can really sit through without feeling like a retard. But the DVD is a fuller experience, and I’m confident that TMBG fans will enjoy the hell out of it.
But the audience shouldn’t be for fans anyway it’s for young children (or illiterate visitors of ReadJunk). And besides the occasional creepy video, they would love this. (And kids don’t find things creepy anyway I mean just look at the Teletubbies.) Upon seeing this DVD, you will want to buy it for everyone you know with children.
I’m a TMBG fan, so part of me wishes they’d quit helping children to read and focus on making an album better than The Spine. But I have to give them props for their creativity and imagination, and for making over 30 alphabet aids that all kick The Alphabet Song’s ass. This is great with a capital P.
DVD Contents:
1. Here Come The ABCs/John and John Say Hello
2. Alphabet of Nations
3. E Eats Everything
4. Flying V
5. I Am A Robot
6. Q U
7. Go for G!
8. Pictures of Pandas Painting
9. D&W
10. Fake-Believe
11. Can You Find It?
12. Introducing the Vowel Family
13. The Vowel Family
14. A to Z
15. Letter/Not a Letter
16. Letter Shapes
17. Alphabet Lost and Found
18. ICU
19. I Am A Robot (type B)
20. Introduction to Who Put The Alphabet in Alphabetical Order?
21. Who Put the Alphabet in Alphabetical Order?
22. Rolling O
23. L M N O
24. Introduction to C is for Conifers
25. C is for Conifers
26. Fake-Believe (type B)
27. A to Z (type B)
28. D is for Drums 29. Introducing Z Y X
30. Z Y X
31. Goodnight
32. Clap Your Hands (Bonus track)
33. Here In Higglytown (Theme to Higglytown Heroes Bonus track)
34. Violin (Exclusive track)
35. Stalk of Wheat (Exclusive track)
Favorite Scenes: Fan favorite Alphabet of Nations, the frantic Go for G! and the short introduction scenes featuring the Johns as sock puppets.
Rating: NR
Running Time: 45 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: