
DVD Reviews | Nov 28th, 2007

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Starring Keri Russell, Nathan Fillion, Cheryl Hines, Jeremy Sisto, Adrienne Shelly, Eddie Jemison, Andy Griffith
Written By: Adrienne Shelly
Directed By: Adrienne Shelly
Studio: Fox Searchlight
Buy on Amazon.com link

Adrienne Shelly’s sweet and lovable comedy about a girl in a small Southern town who works in a pie diner is a breath of fresh air but you certainly get a feeling of sorrow watching what would be Shelly’s last film. What is a funny, charming romantic comedy is surrounded by the harsh realities and sadness that goes with its Writer and Director’s untimely passing. Keri Russell plays Jenna, who plays the character with such love and grace, that it’s heartbreaking to know she is involved in an awful marriage. Here she could be going out in the world and realizing her potential. For someone so talented at making pies as Jenna is, she looks to win a Pie contest. She wants to use that money to start all over again, outside of the small town she lives in. Waitress is a charming movie that will be sure to please anyone who watches, and oh yeah if you love pie too.

Jenna works for Joe’s Pie Diner and leads a pretty simple and what seems like a boring life. Married to a real creep of a husband, Jenna enjoys the little things in life, like making pies and all the varieties that go with it. One day, she hopes that she can run away from this life and her husband, enter the United States of Pie contest, get the winnings and start all over. Unfortunately, she gets knocked up by her dead beat husband, Earl (Jeremy Sisto.) This prevents Jenna from just leaving this quiet, small town and going wherever she pleases. Now she is still married to the deadbeat and has his child inside her. Spending almost the entire pregnancy resenting the baby because it belongs to Earl, Jenna takes a liking to the local Ob-gyn doctor, Dr Pomatter. He is played by everyone’s favorite Brown Coat Nathan Fillion. He plays a married doctor that falls for Jenna and her pies of course. They have a relationship during the pregnancy but I think both realize this might not work out in the long run, well maybe just Jenna. Jenna is supported fully with ever decision she decides by her friends at the Pie Diner, Becky (Cheryl Hines) and Dawn (Shelley.) Also the owner of the diner comes in every day and befriends Jenna, though I think she just thinks he’s just a grumpy old man (Andy Griffith.) I really enjoyed those scenes between them.

When you’re watching Waitress, you certainly get a craving for pie. My wife and I were ready to head down to the local diner and grab a slice ourselves. It’s very tempting! The cast is great in this very indie romantic comedy. Keri Russell is sweet and lovable and Nathan Fillion always plays such likable characters. It’s surprising that guy hasn’t hit it as big as he has so far. I think his role in this film landed him on Desperate Housewives though, playing ironically enough a gynecologist. The supporting cast is great as well with Jeremy Sisto, Cheryl Hines, Eddie Jemison and Adrienne Shelly herself. The story is cute and at sometimes scary because, for some, motherhood is a nightmare. I think that’s how Jenna was feeling in the film that’s for sure.

A few mini featurettes make up the extras on this disc, most of them and rightfully so, dedicated to the late Adrienne Shelly. As Cheryl Hines and Nathan Fillion say, people knowing the circumstances of this film, will watch it differently. I know I did. Shelley wrote the movie for herself to be the star one day but it lead to Keri Russell playing the main character down the road, and I’m glad Shelley made the movie the way she did. It’s a shame to know that Shelley herself would not see the release of this film and how well the movie has responded to fans and critics. It’s certainly a life and talent that was lost way too early in life.

-This Is How We Made Waitress Pie Featurette
-Commentary with Producer Michael Roiff and Actor Keri Russell
-Written And Directed By Adrienne Shelly: A Memorial Featurette
-“Hi! I’m Keri, I’ll Be Your Waitress” Featurette
-The Pies Have It! Featurette
-Fox Movie Channel Presents In Character With Keri Russell, Cheryl Hines, Nathan Fillion

-ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1 CC
-SPANISH: Dolby Digital Surround

-Widescreen 1.85:1 Color

English, Spanish, French

Favorite Scenes: Any scene where Jeremy Sisto pulls up and picks Jenna up, Nathan and Jenna get to know each other, Andy Griffith’s scenes
Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 108 minutes
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: