Natural Disasters – “Natural Disasters”
Album Reviews | Oct 31st, 2010
Record Label: Bermuda Mohawk
Genre: Melodic Hardcore
Band Link:
Lansing/Kalamazoo, MI’s Natural Disasters’s newest album is a 6 track EP that will be loved by fans of Ignite, Rise Against and other melodic hardcore bands.
Natural Disasters’ self titled album sounds like old school Ignite so much, that I had to look up it wasn’t Zoli from Ignite (and now Pennywise). These guys aren’t doing anything new and I’m fine with that, because frankly, new hardcore isn’t as good as the older stuff.
The opening track “We’re Done It To Ourselves” is a good example of what this band is about. Fast, melodic hardcore that will get the kids stage diving or circle pitting in no time. Fun Fact: Rick Johnson of Mustard Plug produced this album! 6 Tracks is way too short and makes me want to hear more. Listen to some of their tracks on their Myspace here.
Bottom Line: Good EP!
Notable Tracks: We’re Done It To Ourselves, Castle Greyskull, Johnny Law
Overall Rating: