Park “Building a Better”
Album Reviews | Oct 22nd, 2006

Record Label: Lobster Records
Genre: Emo
Band Link: link
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The resounding theme in today’s punk pantheon seems to be of the emo-flavour. Love it or hate it, emo is here for a while. Although, I am by no means a proponent for this type of music, I can, on occasion, appreciate it’s heritage. When done properly, emo can be a somewhat enjoyable experience.
Before I dive head-on into this review I would like to make something perfectly clear; I almost always root for the little guy. I would not vouch for something when it is a weak product nor would I dispute a great production from a smaller unknown act. With that said, Lobster records has signed and released Building a Better’ from the band Park.
Boys, girls, emo fans of all ages. I tried. I really did I tried to find something to like about this release but I came away empty-handed. I even tried to listen to it through emo-tainted glasses. Nothing. There is no saving grace with the possible exception of vocalist Ladd Mitchell’s sound. He has a smooth tone and range that is far from unique but easy on the ears.
The music, simply put, is rehashed and unoriginal. It is uninspired and would be better served as the backdrop to an OC marathon. The is not an ounce of energy to be found on this album. Lyrically speaking, Park presents some of the cheesiest cheese that has ever cheesed the cheese….er…..factory? Well, you get the picture. A bold statement indeed but allow me to support my brashness. “You looked so hot, I though you were steam rising up.” Not convinced? How about this little diddy? “I’d hold up the sun just to wake beside you.” Trust me there’s more. Maybe I’m too far removed from high school to appreciate these lyrics. I can tell you one thing for certain; I’m a married man with two incredibly beautiful daughters – all three of which I love beyond worldly comprehension but I would be damned hard-pressed to spew forth such tear inducing verbatim as found on this release. I hate being so hard on a band trying to compete, I really do. But in my humble opinion, Park puts forth a faceless sound in an overpopulated emo scene and is utterly forgettable.
Bottom Line: a rehash of Hawthorne Heights for pre-pubescent love struck kids.
Notable Tracks: I honestly can’t say.
Overall Rating: