New York Comic Con: Friday, October 5th, 2018 Recap

Thursday was exhausting, so I wanted to do less walking and sit down more on Friday. I won a lottery to attend the Batman Animated Series Blu-Ray panel so I was planning on doing that, even though I saw the same thing pretty much last year.
The day started off with taking NJ Transit and taking longer to get into city. My train was sitting outside of Secaucus for almost a half hour. The night before, a train had a minor derailment so things were all backed up. Thankfully, I still managed to get to the Javits Center before the convention opened. I got onto the floor at 9:45 again and did a lap, not knowing what to do again. I went by the Queue Hall to see if there was anything else that peaked my interest and nothing really did. All the stuff I was interested in was later in the afternoon and at night. So I was just walking around again, taking pictures before I had to make my way to the Batman panel.
I met up with my buddy Joe who writes for the site and we got some VIP badges for the panel in the press room so we could sit up front. In the background, seeing Kevin Conroy just chilling on the couch and director Robert Rodriguez walking by was a little surreal. I definitely don’t get all fanboy-ish when it comes to that stuff but I definitely notice people that are famous. Guess Robert was there to promote some VR project he was working on. The panel itself was cool to see how much they remastered the animated series. I’d love to get a copy but not sure they are sending that out for review and not sure I have 80-100 bucks on the set as well. People who do buy it though, will be in for a treat. It’s limited so act fast! The panel felt like deja vu for me but two other cast members were there that weren’t there last year. Kevin was singing again, Tara Strong was doing some great voices, still no Mark Hamill though. Once the fans started asking questions, that’s when I left because I always find the fans Q&A portion of panels to be cringy and awkward sometimes. I went to get some lunch at one of the food trucks and after that, was just relentless shooting photos of cosplay for a few hours before I had to go home.
Friday was more packed than Thursday, but that also meant lots more cosplays. R2D2 made another appearance which is always cool to see, even though it’s just someone moving it around by remote. Bumblebee was around as well, which caused a longjam of traffic when I was walking around the floor. I saw someone dressed up as Bob Ross taking a picture with Bumblebee so I thought that would be funny to get a photo of that as well. I tried to get over to the live stage to see who was there, at the time it was Nick Kroll, Fred Armisen and others and it was unbearable packed. I wanted to see the cast of The Boys but knowing how crowded it was there for Nick Kroll, etc., can’t imagine how it was for them a little bit after. I didn’t stay around in that area long and in fact, didn’t really go back to floor after 1pm. I didn’t feel like testing my patience with walking so slow to get somewhere.
I stuck to the downstairs area with the photographers and cosplay. Model and cosplayer Erica Fett, who used to do Suicide Girls and has a big following was there. She dressed up as Dolores from WestWorld, along with some other people so I got some photos of that. I couldn’t resist asking for a photo with her later on though. One of my favorite cosplays for the day was someone dressed up like Rocket racoon so I got a photo with that person too. Plus some stormtroopers showed up. I still love the look of those costumes after all these years. Biker Scouts is probably my absolute Star Wars stormtrooper look though. Someone shows up with that costume on too. There was some great group cosplay of the Avengers, Skeletor and Evil-Lyn, GI Joe, Justice League and more. The best costume I saw was one guy look like a spot-on Joker from Suicide Squad. He was posing with a guy with a great Batman suit on so a lot of people were outside getting shots of those guys. Some guy and someone else did a Dr Strange and his cape cosplay. He was acting out posing, and then the cape was touching his face and playing around. Just brilliant stuff. I’m highly impressed with how much effort, time and money put into these costumes every year.
I left around the same time as I did on Thursday, because ya know, Dad life. I wish I stayed longer and wish I went Saturday and Sunday. It’s exhausting and the lines were insane, even for the bathrooms but it’s so much fun. At one point on Friday I was standing in the bathroom, waiting for a stall and look around a female was behind me. Kind of did a double take and she was like, it’s illegal for NY to discriminate about what bathrooms to use. I told her, “hey I’m not judging, do your business wherever, I don’t care haha.” The women’s bathroom lines are always so much longer so I totally understand.
I hope I get to do more NYCC than I did this year, maybe get in on interviewing some people and seeing some bigger panels. The main reason why I like going to New York Comic Con is for the cosplay and that certainly didn’t disappoint.