The Pietasters @ Irving Plaza, NYC
Live Reviews | Aug 13th, 1999

Opening Bands: Pilfers, Rustic Overtones
Date: August 13th 1999
Venue: Irving Plaza, NYC
Last time I saw the Pietasters was a year ago in Scranton so I wanted to see them again. Plus the Pilfers were playing! Matt, Paul and I were driving down the West side highway again and what do I see, ugly Janet Reno’s face on the ABC building again. they couldn’t put up Dharma’s picture???!! YUMMY..anyway, we had like 2 hours to kill so we saw that there was a Virgin MegaStore around the block so we went into there for an hour. I can spend hours in that store..oh wait, I did in Florida..nevermind. We got some pizzas, which was huge by the way..One slice is like the size of a half of pie. Waited on line for over a half hour. Matt and I talked at the Pilfers table.
Then Rustic Overtones was the opening band and they didn’t fit the bill. They were like some white funk college frat guys band. I was falling asleep at the time of their set so I didn’t pay attention to them but I know I didn’t like them. I got a photo pass for this show thinking they would use a gate thing for photographers but no, they didn’t so I had to weasel my way to the front of the side of the stage. All the little girlies got to stand in front of the stage, the usual.
Pilfers came on and they started rockin’ from the start by playing “Yukaza.” During the set, I was standing near some guys that were harassing Coolie. Which was quite funny. screaming out stuff to Coolie like “Whip it out!” “Anal Rape” and other funny comments. They played old and new songs like “Legal Shot,” “Lay” “Generation,” “What’s New,” and “Hypnotized.” Pilfers played amazing once again. People were dancing, screaming the lyrics and jumping on stage. One guy jumped on stage and started dancing right up to Anna and she had this frightened look on her face.
They finished nicely and then came the Pietasters. they played a lot of new songs and a lot old songs as well. New songs like “Yesterday’s Over,” “Wasted,” and “Chain Reaction.” And old ones like “Night Before,” “Girl Take It Easy,” “Freak Show,” and “Out All Night.” Coolie came out to sing with Steve for “Tell You Why” and that was cool. After Coolie sang and went off the stage, Vinny jumped on stage and played trombone with the Pietasters. I like it when other bands have quest vocals and other musicians on stage with them. Pietasters played “Moving On Up” or whatever that song is and they went off. They came back for an encore and played one song I don’t remember and “Drinkin and Driven.” The first band should have been another good ska band instead of a bad funk band. But after them, Pilfers and The Pietasters kicked ass and played really well.