Deadly Sins
Interviews | Oct 10th, 2008

Deadly Sins just released their debut full-length album “Selling Our Weaknesses” out on Durty Mick Records. Adam Coozer and’s new interviewer Steve Bauer sent some questions for the lead singer Steph. Here’s what she said:
How did the Deadly Sins come to be?
The Deadly Sins were formed by me (Steph) and Billy Brown in late 2005. I had just moved to Las Vegas and, despite our distance apart, we decided to do this band anyway! He had always wanted to have a female singer and have the basic idea of the band based on the band “X.” We started working on tunes and noticed how our voices really complimented each other! Not to mention, Billy is an absolutely amazing songwriter. I fell in love with all the songs right away! Bice came aboard next, then Brenden jumped (though, he can’t jump in real life) in next. Brenden and I have toured together for years, with the Dropkicks, so he was a perfect fit. The last piece to the puzzle was Joe. Joe and Billy played in Crash and Burn together, so it all just started to make sense. We are all very different people, who happened to get along great and love this music. I think we are very lucky to have found each other.
You guys just released your first full-length record (Selling Our Weaknesses Durty Mick Records), how was the experience in recording that record?
Stressful!! I was so goddamn nervous! Dean Baltulonis was so great to us! He is great at what he does and has the patience of a saint. . I wanted to be able to listen to the whole record and not wince at any parts that I sang! Honestly, I love the damn thing! Dean really captured the sound and feeling that we were trying for. But, when we finished the last song, I felt like a fucking truck was lifted off my chest.
What was the best/worst show you ever played?
Our first show on the Dropkicks/Against Me tour was rough. I had flown a red-eye to Boston; then we all flew a red-eye to play in Tilburg. We felt like garbage and were practically delirious. I think we just sucked. In fact, when we played in Amsterdam, some kids told me that we sucked at that Tilburg show. Thankfully, they said that we won them over in Amsterdam.
The best show was Norway! The crowd was chanting my name before we went on the stage!! How nuts! I did not expect that! I didn’t think anyone would know who the hell we were! We had planned on changing our intro music that night…but when it started, we didn’t recognize it! Ken Casey had swapped it out for “Me So Horny”!! But it totally backfired on him! The kids started clapping along to the drums! I was in heaven from the first chord to the last!
Tell me about the last time you sinned.
When I got my Pee-Wee Herman half sleeve started, its a definite ticket straight to hell. But, as they say Heaven for the view. Hell for the company”.
How about the last nice thing you did for someone?
I helped some lady find the dude that stole her purse!! And got her little girl out of harm’s way. I’m serious!! Las Vegas is a nutty place.
Who in your band do you least trust?
They are all a bunch of scumbags. Just kidding. I trust them all! I have to be able to trust them. I live in a crummy van with them! They are great dudes and I love them. They take good care of me, though I think I get more ball-busting then anyone else. They say its to make- up for the time we are all apart. I call bullshit on that!
If there were an eighth deadly sin, what should it be? Emo music?
I don’t even know where to start with this one! Maybe those women that wear stockings and sneakers together that fuckin kills me.
How has Tom Brady being out for the season affected a band whose roots are very entrenched in Boston, Mass?
My mother, is a die hard Pats fanShe is miserable!! Thank god the Sox are in the playoffs!! And of course the Celtics kicked ass this year! I think that helps soothe everyones fears! However, we learned to never play shows in Boston when the Sox are in the Series. The city acquires tunnel vision and nothing else matters!
When you lay down before falling asleep, what is the last thing you usually think about?
Bills, bills, money, and playing shows.
Any shows coming up in support of the new album?
We are doing a west coast tour in early November and are in the process of booking more shows! Check our Myspace page here for the info.
Final comments?
Thanks to everyone who has bought the record and come to see us live! We really appreciate all the support! Feel free to come say hello at any show! Durty MickRecords is the best label ever and we love that bastard!