IT: Chapter Two Teaser Trailer Is Creepy
Media | May 9th, 2019

IT: Chapter Two teaser trailer is finally here, and of course it was beyond creepy and terrifying for me. I loved IT: Chapter 1 because it was done in a way like The Goonies and Stranger Things. Doesn’t really seem like we’ll get that style, except in flashbacks but I’m still curious to see this (at home, not in a theater haha).
The trailer has this long, tense scene with Jessica Chastain’s character, and you’re just waiting for something to happen. Then you get quick glimpses of everyone else. I’m looking forward to seeing the movie, just not sure I’ll be seeing this in the theater since I’m a wuss.
The movie is directed by Andy Muschietti, and stars Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, Bill Hader, Jay Ryan, Isaiah Mustafa, James Ransone, Andy Bean and Bill Skarsgård.