Trailer: MacGruber (final trailer?)

Media | Apr 29th, 2010

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MacGruber is coming out May 21st and the marketing train is rolling! The final trailer (I think?) for the SNL comedy came out the other day and it looks hilarious! I mean, I’ve been a MacGruber fan since day 1 and I’m really looking forward to this. I just hope they don’t show all the funny & best parts in the trailers like they did for Kick Ass. Besides the trailer, Universal Studios also released a MacGruber iPod/iPhone app! The trailer and more details after the jump:

The FREE MacGruber iPhone app was recently released that includes a bomb defusing game, mullet photo tool, soundboard with funny lines from the film, ringtones and more. In the Bomb Defuser Challenge, you have to utilize everyday items to stop MacGruber’s nemesis, Dieter Von Cunth. When you’re done defusing bombs, you can check out what you or your friends/family might look like with an awesome mullet using the Mullet Generator. Just snap a picture and choose from a variety of mullet options to see the rockin’ hairdo in its full glory here.

There’s also the MacGruber: Training Academy, where you can train to become your own one-man army of destruction. Activities include defusing bombs and ripping bad guys’ throats here.


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