Show your support for Griffin House and help him make his next album
Music News | Jun 23rd, 2012

Singer/songwriter Griffin House needs your help! He has started a Kickstarter pledge drive to get his next album made. He’s been playing family man lately but getting back into swing of things and needs some funding to make his next album. For $1 or more, you can get his digital album only. For $15 or more, you can get the album, poster and album artwork. $25 gets an autographed CD/digital download plus some other things. I already made a pledge and think you should too!
Hi everyone, Griffin House here. When I moved to Nashville to be a musician in 2003 I had no idea where that would lead me but I was pretty sure, no matter what, that by the year 2012 I’d still be writing songs and making music. So, I’m sitting here today on June 20th 2012 and looking back thinking how lucky I’ve been to make nearly a record every year since I started and to travel around and play hundreds and hundreds of shows over the past 8 or 9 years. My fans and audiences have made me feel like my music has been as much a blessing to them as it is to me, and sometimes that almost seems too good to be true. The past couple years I’ve taken a brief respite from recording and touring so hard, so I could take some time to settle down and start a family. To have my wife Jane and my daughter Emma in my life along with being able to do what I love everyday is an unbelievable blessing, and I count myself very lucky indeed. It’s been a much needed vacation, but now I am all charged up again and as eager and inspired as ever as ever to get back in the studio and keep recording my songs so I can share them with the world. Thank you everyone sincerely for taking the time to read this, and thank your for all of your continued support. It’s time to make a record!
Make a pledge and support a talented musician who I want to hear new music from here.
In the meantime, he’s touring currently and will be playing City Winery in NYC on October 30th. Visit for all the dates.