Avoid One Thing “Chopstick Bridge”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Side One Dummy
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I remember liking Avoid One Thing’s debut album but felt it could have been better. Just from hearing their first song “Armbands and Braids,” I can sense that they have improved as a band. Joe Gittlemen’s (Gang Green, Mighty Mighty Bosstones) vocals have improved as well. AOT has had sort of a lineup change, because their previous drummer Dave, unexpectedly passed away 2 years ago. I’m sure that was a very rough time for the band & friends of Dave. I was pretty upset it. But the band has continued, and their sound still has a punk edge to it, but it sounds like they are leaning to a more hard rock sound which is fine with me. Yeah, I definitely like this album better.
Bottom Line: Sophomore effort better than their first CD!
Notable Tracks: “Armbands and Braids” “A lot Like This” “Gone and Forgotten”
Overall Rating: