Between The Buried And Me “The Silent Circus”
Album Reviews | Mar 1st, 2005
Record Label: Victory
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“Metalcore” band that mixes rock, metal, hardcore, and other noisey genres. These guys were funny in my interview but I don’t really like their music. It sounds like a trainwreck to me. This is just giving me a headache listening to this. But then they start singing softly and it’s another style I don’t care for. I think it’s weird to go from screaming death metal style to singing like a wimp, I dunno. I’d rather have my balls on fire then listen to this again but I’m sure there is a lot of people out there that will like Between the Buried and Me.
Bottom Line: I wouldn’t buy this but people into death metal and loud noise might like this.
Notable Tracks: didn’t have any
Overall Rating: