Drewvis – “Disposable Pleasures and Meaningful Pursuits”
Album Reviews | Nov 6th, 2011
Record Label: Do the Dog Music
Genre: Ska
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Do the Dog Music has become one of my favorite purveyors of new ska music. They seem to have a knack for finding things that are quirky, out of the ordinary or just plain fun and listenable. Drewvis is yet another one of the Do the Dog bands that grab me by the earlobes and won’t let go.
Drewvis’ sound is easily describable as unplugged acoustic ska. It’s simple, laid back and thoughtful music that is just as poppy as it is soulful. Songs like “Let It Go” has more of an indie rock vibe while other tracks such as “Drunken Words N’Dub” and “Estoy Esperando” are about as reggae as they come. And, even though Drewvis is an acoustic ensemble, don’t forget that they can get you out of your seat and on your feet with danceable track like “Liberate, Never Hate” and “These 3 Words”.
For the longest time, acoustic music was most definitely not my forte. With quality releases like Authority Zero’s “Rhythm and Booze”, Reel Big Fish’s Skacoustic release and bands like Drewvis, I’m happy to say that I’ve been able to enjoy this form of music without any reservations. “Disposable Pleasures and Meaningful Pursuits” is one of those unique albums that manage to take the simple pleasures of ska music and melt it down to its rawest of forms without the loss of quality and enjoyment. It is very much and enjoyable listen.
Bottom Line: Acoustic ska/reggae at it’s finest.
Notable Tracks: Fortune Cookie, Estoy Esperando, These 3 Words, Arrivals/Departures (Bonus Track)
Overall Rating: