Municipal Waste – “The Last Rager EP”
Album Reviews | Oct 30th, 2019

Genre: Thrash Metal
Record Label: Nuclear Blast
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Municipal Waste returns with a quick hit EP in The Last Rager. 4 songs recorded by band bassist LandPhil with additional engineering by Josh Hall. Mastered by Toxic Holocaust’s Joel Grind.
The concept of EP’s are always a good way to keep the band out there in between albums, and throughout their discography the Waste has put out an awesome collection of splits; in addition to their awesome full lengths. Slime and Punishment was a really fun release, and this follows in those footsteps.
The EP opens with the new crowd surfing anthem “Wave Of Death;” which servers as more of an intro. The next song “Car-Nivore (Street Meat)” lyrically describes a Grand Theft Auto meets Mad Max vibe of driving fast with an almost ode to the Retaliation era of the band Carnivore. “Rum For Your Life” finds the band RUMmaging through the last of the liquor cabinet accompanied with old Anthrax Among the Living era styled riffage. The EP closes with “The Last Rager” with a steady mid paced double bass beatings into a faster thrashier riff back into an older war dance like rhythm.
Bottom line is this is a fun quick shot of 4 songs that should tide you over until the next full-length dose of the Waste; and definitely not something to be taken lightly.
Notable Tracks: Wave Of Death, Car-Nivore (Street Meat), Rum For Your Life
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