Used Alien Mind “This Placement Aside”

Album Reviews | Nov 25th, 2007

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Record Label: Zonked Records
Genre: Alternative?
Band Link: link
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I was told that I might like this album. I don’t know why I was told this. There’s nothing in my several playlists of music that even remotely resembles this. Except maybe The Streets. But that’s for only 2 songs. Maybe.

Used Alien Mind sounds like its name would. Alien sounds, reused from previously greater minds, are pushed into some sort of synthesized sometimes fake-British alternative thing. “Soul Hit One Time” sounds like somebody sampled Guitar Hero, and just played that over again while repeating “stereo, stereo” between the…er…verses.

Not to say the album doesn’t have its high points. Some songs evade the similar drum beat, and instead opt for a more ambient pseudo-distorted sound. This I enjoyed a little more, and found myself listening to more than just a minute of the song. Even if I didn’t understand what was going on, or whether or not the guy is actually British (the album says Iowa, Vermont, and Wisconsin were the recording cities…so I doubt it).

Bottom Line: You might like this, but I doubt it. Mainly because Dan and I both didn’t like it. Not that that makes any difference.
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