Way Yes – “Herringbone” EP
Album Reviews | Jun 13th, 2011
Record Label: S/R
Genre: Alternative
Band Link: www.myspace.com/wayyeswayyes
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Perhaps taking note of Vampire Weekend’s popularity, Way Yes also modernizes Paul Simon’s dorkalicious white-boy Afrobeat, but with splashes of Polynesian tiki twang.
There’s an avant-garde weirdness here, too, caused in large part by echoey effects, thumping bass, and ethereal keyboards. I’m not sure if I’m listening to songs or the feverish nightmare vision of indie rockers reconstructing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” In any case, the music is off-kilter in an upbeat way, and I’m curious enough to hear more.
Bottom Line: Oh, today’s crazy kids and their exotica!
Notable Tracks: Spicy Ice Cream, Drus
Overall Rating: