Vegan for Life

Book Reviews | Oct 2nd, 2012

Authors: Jack Norris, RD, Virginia Messina, MPH, RD
Publisher: Lifelong Books
Genre: Diet/Nutrition
Pages: 284
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Vegan for Life is an impressive primer on veganism for the vegan-curious and even those practicing. It takes a measured, scientific approach to the vegan lifestyle, thoroughly but clearly answering many questions beginners may have.

Impressively, Vegan for Life discusses the merits of different kinds of nutritional research and studies, clearing up misconceptions and conflicting information and admitting when the jury is still out. I like that they launch right into the most important questions facing vegans: How much B12 do you need? Is it safe to eat a lot of soy? How much protein and calcium does the body need and how can a vegan diet satisfy those nutritional needs?

The book delves into the biology behind nutrition yet is succinct and very accessible. While there are no recipes (they’re not missed), the authors provide a ton of resources, such as tips on stocking your pantry and how to best transition to a plant-based diet.

Bottom Line: A must-have for anyone looking to go veg.
Overall Rating:


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