Rademacher “Stunts”

Album Reviews | Dec 30th, 2007

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Record Label: S/R
Genre: Indie
Band Link: link
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Well, this is surprising. I listen to a lot of indie rock that’s self-consciously weird or hipsterish, and Rademacher toe the line. But they also make it right by solid songwriting, good lyrics, and occasional Arcade Fire-ish rhythms and group singing. They’re also not trying to prove anything and they don’t overpower. They’ve got a quiet openness to them; the music is catchy but you have to turn it up to realize it.

The vocals, with its early Dylan-ish upward inflections, lend some folkiness to the music, giving it a more clever sound than other off-kilter indie bands. The album does lose a little steam midway and the last three songs are almost completely folk – but it’s done well.

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