Gateway District – “Some Days You Get The Thunder”

Album Reviews | Oct 5th, 2009

Record Label: It’s Alive Records
Genre: Punk
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Featuring members of the Soviettes and Banner Pilot, Gateway District follows the Soviettes’ style of aggressive female vocals and pop punk catchiness fighting its way through needlessly noisy distortion.

The vocals might be a deal breaker for some, but I’ve always been a fan of ballsy female-fronted bands like the Soviettes and Tilt. My problem with this album, though, is that the songs aren’t strong enough to stand up to the dull guitar work and poor production. There are a couple of songs that aren’t bad, but no standouts. I wouldn’t write them off just yet, but this album wasn’t a keeper for me.

Bottom Line: Made me want to listen to the Soviettes.
Notable Tracks: Odd Pauses
Overall Rating:


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