Mission Impossible: Fallout (Blu-Ray + DVD + Digital HD)
Blu-Ray Reviews | Dec 5th, 2018

Starring: Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Ving Rhames, Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Sean Harris, Angela Bassett, Michelle Monaghan, Alec Baldwin
Written By: Christopher McQuarrie
Directed By: Christopher McQuarrie
Studio: Paramount
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The latest Mission Impossible movie is very entertaining and features Tom Cruise running, getting hit by a car, motorcycle chases in Paris, breaking his leg from jumping on a building, more running, flying a helicopter in New Zealand and lots more!
2 years after Solomon Lane’s (Sean Harris) capture, the remaining rogue terrorists are at large and plan on blowing up the world, or something like that. Ethan (Tom Cruise), Benji (Simon Pegg) and Luther (Ving Rhames) are tasked with finding the plutonium cores in Europe. New CIA director (Angela Bassett) has a CIA assassin Walker (Henry Cavill) watch Ethan and his team so things go smoothly. They don’t and it’s a race against time to uncover the identity of extremist Lark and uncover the missing plutonium before the world is blown up. That old plot.
This summer, before this movie came out, I decided to watch all the Mission Impossible movies. I only ever saw Mission Impossible 2 in theaters and didn’t really care for it. Maybe I needed to see the first movie first or give the other movies a chance? For whatever reason, I just never saw those movies but glad I gave them a chance. They are fun movies, especially the third movie. I think once JJ took control of the franchise, they have been entertaining as hell.
This film was intense and just a lot of fun to watch, especially with all the locations they went to. The stunts were insane this time around, which they usually are and Tom Cruise ups the ante. He needs to be careful for future movies because he could friggin’ die for trying some new stunt. He broke his leg for this movie from jumping a building. He learned how to fly a helicopter over 2 years. The guy is certainly dedicated to making good movies.
I wish the trailers for this weren’t so revealing because the twist of who was Lark was pretty obvious from the start. It’s especially unsurprising if you see the trailer and see who Ethan Hunt is shooting at. I have no idea why they decided to include some of the clips in the trailer. I liked how the movie tied up some loose ends with Ethan’s ex-wife. Maybe they will tie up some other loose ends with other characters that have come and gone in a MI movie. Jeremy Renner’s character perhaps? I wish the movie wouldn’t rely so much on the masks. Sure it’s part of the original TV series, but maybe just use that gag like once a movie? It seemed like it was used about 5 times for Fallout.
What I did like was the chemistry between Cruise, Rhames, Pegg and even Ferguson. It was good to see Michelle Monaghan back again. The main selling point is the stunts of course. I love seeing Ethan and the team in Berlin, London, Paris, and all over the world. The shots in Paris were particularly awesome to see. It would have been cool to see Tom Cruise riding a motorcycle in the city when you were just walking by. So many scenes I could talk about but think the helicopter chase was nerve wracking and the best sequence.
There’s an entire disc dedicated to the special features. The behind the scenes stuff is incredible. What’s even more incredible is all the stunt work and how much goes into them. The HALO skydiving thing was so complicated and dangerous, and the first time someone skydived on screen so high up. Tom Cruise is a madman with his stunts, and everything you see in the movie is him. It’s just bonkers this guy does all this stuff with each movie. He did break his leg jumping from a building, which is in the movie. It’s pretty brutal to see the foot bend the other way like that. Then there’s riding the motorcycle in Paris without a helmet. When Ethan climbs up the helicopter, and falls down on that rope thing. The crew and people gasped on set, because they thought he was dead or broke his back. Nope, just banged up a little. Then the whole helicopter sequence was painstakingly choreographed, and Tom had to learn how to fly a helicopter. That took 2 years to do, and whenever he had downtime he was practicing and flying a helicopter. Does he ever sleep? When they were flying the choppers, he was inches to the other helicopter’s propellers. Anything closer would have resulted in a crash. Just so many different stunts for this movie, and the extras show you how they did everything. Definitely a must-see when you finish the movie.
Mission Impossible: Fallout feels a little bit different from the last movie but it’s still very much a continuation of it. It’s by far one of the best action movies of the last few years and it’s certainly entertaining. I’m glad I gave the franchise another shot because these are some fun movies with unbelievable stunts. Tom Cruise certainly goes beyond the call of duty as an actor and this franchise is a prime example of that.
Behind the Fallout: Light the Fuse, Top of the World, The Big Swing: Deleted Scene Breakdown, Rendezvous in Paris, The Fall, The Hunt Is On, Cliffside Clash
Deleted Scenes Montage
Foot Chase Musical Breakdown
The Ultimate Mission
Theatrical Trailer
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect ratio: 2.39:1, 1.90:1
Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1
English: Dolby Atmos
English: Dolby TrueHD 7.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
French: Dolby Digital 5.1 (640 kbps)
Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1 (640 kbps)
Portuguese: Dolby Digital 5.1
Music: Dolby Digital 5.1
English, English SDH, French, Portuguese, Spanish
Bottom Line: One of the best action movies of the last few years
Running Time: 147 mins
Rating: PG-13
Extras Rating:
Overall Rating: