I, Lucifer

Book Reviews | Jan 26th, 2007

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Author: Glen Duncan
Publisher: Grove Press
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 264
Retail Price: 9.99
Buy on Amazon.com link

This novel has a really neat premise: Satan is given a chance to reenter Heaven for eternity if he can behave himself on Earth for one month. The body he possesses on Earth is that of failed writer Declan Gunn (anagram for Glen Duncan). The adventures that follow are fun and clever, and the narrative is interspersed with Lucifer’s comments on biblical history and the modern world.

The execution, though, is clunky. Lucifer, the first-person narrator, is so over-the-top, it’s almost cartoonish, and there is an undercurrent of silliness that gives the book a Christopher Moore feel.

Bottom Line: More silly than sinister.
Favorite Part(s):
Overall Rating:


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