Temporary Relocation Project
Book Reviews | Dec 27th, 2008

Sorry Folks, No Image Is Here.
Author: Shawn Granton
Publisher: TFR Industries
Genre: Zine
Pages: 80
Retail Price: 3.00
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This pocket-sized zine came out in late 2006, but it’s taken me awhile to crack it open. Although Shawn Granton is best known for his mini comics and illustrations, this thick tome is a travelogue in small-font text.
Extensively covering his ambitious Midwest/Great Lakes/Northeast 2005 bike trip, Shawn injects tons of details and, as in his comics, reveals a lot of himself. For a travel diary, there’s a lot of heart in here, and I expect nothing less from Shawn. One complaint – I don’t mind the lack of illustrations, but no photos?
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