Title Fight – “The Last Thing You Forget”
Album Reviews | May 18th, 2010
Record Label: Run For Cove
Genre: Melodic Punk
Band Link: www.myspace.com/titlefight
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Smart melodic punk that combines the right amount of emo-punk’s poppiness with post-punk’s swirly discordance. They’re actually quite good at crafting good, interesting, and different tunes, thankfully keeping them fresh at an average of two minutes each.
They have an appealing, progressive sound that is neither aggressive or wussy, and it’ll attract both the melodic punk and emocore teenybopper circles. Oddly, I don’t hold the latter against them.
Bottom Line: Gotta give props when this genre is done right.
Notable Tracks: Memorial Field, Youreyeah, Evander
Overall Rating: