Boston Driver’s Handbook: The Almost Post Big Dig Edition

Book Reviews | Mar 3rd, 2007

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Author: Ira Gershkoff and Richard Trac
Publisher: Da Capo Press
Genre: Humor
Pages: 150
Retail Price: 9.99
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Mostly dopey handbook on how to survive on the “wild” streets of Boston. I’m cynical toward this book because 1) I generally find anything non-comic-strip-related in the “Humor” section of a bookstore to be incredibly unfunny, 2) place-oriented humor is too clichd, and 3) I’ve seen much worse driving in my journeys: Boston drivers are saintly, conscientious Samaritans compared to their L.A. and Jersey counterparts. I think the authors need to take a trip outside of Beantown + they’re taking way too much local pride in something their locality isn’t particularly notorious for.

There are a couple of clever pieces in the book + a pedestrian point value system and the final exam at the back. But even as a quirky gift to a Bostonian friend (the only reason for existing, I presume), it fails. If you want to waste money on something that sucks, go to a Sox game instead.

Bottom Line: Almost as lame as Boston.
Favorite Part(s):
Overall Rating:


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