Misfit’s Manifesto: The Spiritual Journey of a Rock & Roll Heart

Book Reviews | Nov 12th, 2006

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Author: Donna Gaines
Publisher: Villard Books/Random House
Genre: Autobiography/Music
Pages: 390
Retail Price: 9.99
Buy on Amazon.com link

For an I-was-a-social-outcast-until-rock-n-roll-found-me type story, rock n’ roll is oddly missing.

In fact, after 150 pages of every banal detail of sociologist Donna Gaines’ childhood and teen years, I wondered if rock n’ roll ever plays a role outside of guest appearance or trivial backdrop. But Gaines is a great writer, and is best when she paints a vivid picture of family life, friend life, and school days in New York in the 50s and 60s. At nearly 400 pages though, I’m not sure who would care about every minutiae of her life, from every guy she’s kissed up to every childhood memory of her parents. Even as an insightful and confessional writer, Gaines still has trouble making us wonder why we should care at all.

Bottom Line: Who cares?
Favorite Part(s):
Overall Rating:


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