Teenage Bottlerocket – “Freak Out”
Album Reviews | Sep 2nd, 2012

Record Label: Fat Wreck Chords
Genre: Punk Rock
Band Link: http://teenagebottlerocket.com
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Teenage Bottlerocket are consist with their music. Just straight up punk rock, Ramones-style. The positive is you know what you’re gonna get. The negative is the songs start to blend together and you don’t know what songs are on what album.
Plus, would it hurt to change the album artwork every once and awhile? Haha. This is known as the Pink album I guess. I can see why the band does it, Same logo and they don’t have to spend money on art. Just changing around the color is kind of punk rock in a way. Their covers remind me of show flyers where people copy the same flyer but change the color paper around. So I get the whole color thing, but still would be nice for something different.
Besides all that, Teenage Bottlerocket have released another stellar punk rock album. Quick songs, with different singers every other song or so. There’s not much different and I’m actually fine with that. Some of the gems on this album include “Headbanger,” “Necrocomicon,” and “Punk House of Horrors.” I think “Necrocomicon” should be played at Comic Con. It would be a nice companion song to Nerf Herder’s “Welcome to my World.” Towards the ends of the album, I liked the song “Summertime” and the song felt slightly different than the others. Plus, it will be good to put that one on my summer playlist next year.
Like the old saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
Bottom Line: Typical Teenage Bottlerocket = Awesome!
Notable Tracks: Headbanger, Necrocomicon, Punk House of Horrors
Overall Rating: